Protect Your Business Read The Case

The best insurance you can get – THE CASE is a shocking record of how federal bureaucrats and their own appointed courts can freely disregard congressional law and break contracts with your business.

THE CASE tells the story of J. Cooper & Associates Inc., a small, minority owned business that had an $8 million contract with the Immigration and Naturalization Service, funded through the Small Business Administration 8(a) program, established in law by Congress. You will quickly see the story is hugely bigger than JCA and the obvious, proven fraud and collusion between the INS and SBA. THE CASE shows you how government bureaucrats are completely free to break their agreements and contracts – and destroy your business.

This is a vital-read to protect your business – for every business providing services or products to government agencies. Even more, an urgent-read for small businesses and minority businesses with government so-called “contracts”.

The Case is written in a legal-brief format because much of the fact and text is taken directly from records in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. It’s an easy read, but not a go-to-bed story, because it keeps shocking you awake with how the federal courts dismiss and approve even black-and-white fraud admitted by federal bureaucrats.

The Case is a vital, urgent read – self-defense for any business owner with government contracts. And it is an absolute must-read for every attorney advising a client with a government so-called “contract”. The Case clearly shows its reader how the government is the most untrustworthy and dangerous customer your business can have.

You will see and understand how simple it is for government to break its own laws, and break “contracts” with your business – you will see how government appoints its own court system, and how their court-system is designed to support and protect them from consequences of all their breakage.

The Case clearly shows how the “do-what-you-promise” Rules-of-Business doesn’t get applied to government agencies and their bureaucrats.

“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous letting the government take care of him, better take a closer look at the American Indian” GEORGE BERNARD SHAW

“Or, a closer look at The Case – highly recommended if you have a government “contract”, you have an urgent need to protect your business, insulated with honest customers who play-by-the-same rules.” JAMES SCHORR